Real Week 2019
Real Week: Aug. 12 – 16, 2019

The Center for Teaching and Learning and Faculty Development Committee welcome you to REAL Week 2019! REAL week is week-long, internal, teaching and learning convention. Since 2015, faculty have facilitated 150+ sessions available to their colleagues.
This year, we will be offering sessions and workshops like “Discussing Discussing: Good Practice for On-ground and Online Classroom Discussions,” Incorporating Research into Your Classrooms,” “The Authentic Experiment,” and “Positive Practices to Boost Student Engagement and Resilience” available for all ˿ƵAPPfaculty.
Many of you have approached us about moving Unit and Departmental meetings earlier in the week. Unit meetings will gather on Monday, August 12th. Please wait to hear more from your Deans. (Adjunct faculty are not required to be present, but may be invited to events through your schools/colleges on Monday).
Because “Communication” is our theme this fall: Please welcome The Second City Works to ˿ƵAPP – the experts in interactions and communication. This experience will take place on Tuesday, August 13th and is available only to Full Time Faculty this year.
Wednesday, August 14th and Thursday, August 15th will proceed with concurrent interactive sessions that have become synonymous with REAL week. Everyone who teaches ˿ƵAPPstudents is encouraged to attend. Tracks for New Faculty and Adjunct Faculty are available. More details on the Google Docs below.
The Legal Update has been included into REAL week for the second year in a row. Please join us on Friday for the Legal Update and break out sessions before lunch.
Remember to download our CTL app to get the latest updates, and specifics on locations and session descriptions. Please add the sessions you are most interested in to “My Schedule.” From our end, we can start to see how many people are interested so we can put these sessions in the best possible locations.
Here are our objectives:
• I will draw upon my Active Learning experiences during REAL week as I communicate with colleagues and students.
• I collaborated effectively with colleagues during the Second City Works experience.
• I attended sessions that promote teaching ˿ƵAPPstudents Characteristics of a ˿ƵAPPGraduate.
• I gained new insights on how to utilize Canvas more effectively and/or creatively in the classroom.
Schedule of Events
(Check back here and your CTL app for updates. Locations, titles, and times are subject to change.)
- Monday, Aug. 12
Your Deans will be in contact with you about the details for Monday. We hope you find it to be a productive and enjoyable time to spend time with the colleagues you have not seen all summer and to get to know the new faculty in your areas.
- Tuesday, Aug. 13
Second City Works Experience and departmental meetings. Your Program Directors will be in contact with you about your departmental meeting schedule. Check the Google Sheet below to find out when you are scheduled to be a part of the Second City Works experience.
A: 9:00-11:00
B: 11:30-1:30
C: 2:00-4:00Coffee and snacks will be provided in PCC
Click to find which group (A, B, or C) you have been assigned for the Tuesday, August 13th Second City Experience.
“With the societal landscape becoming ever more dynamic and variable over time, these workshops promise neither a cure-all nor a superficial five-point plan for success. Taking an unabashedly realistic approach to the development of people skills, the sessions simply help participants to practice—with potent understanding of common human tendencies—the small improvements they can make to more successfully improvise their way through each day. With the courage to move one step at a time, the workshops promote reliable development of the inclusive interpersonal skills, such as engagement, listening, reflection, and collaboration, all of which have become vital.”
Second City in Partnership with University of Chicago:•
•Health Professions Specific:
•Teaching and Learning:
•Workplace Communication:
• “The Improvisation Edge: Secrets to Building Trust and Radical Collaboration at Work,” Hough, Karen. Barrett-Koehler Publishers. 2011
• - Wednesday, Aug. 14
- Thursday, Aug. 15
- Friday, Aug. 16
Legal Update at 9 a.m. in Auditorium (light breakfast at 8:30 am in Pfaff Lobby)
CTL Guidebook App
Use the Center for Teaching and Learning app to build a personalized schedule, receive Real Week updates, and connect with colleagues.