Dean – College of Arts & Sciences

Welcome to the College of Arts & Sciences

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) offers a generous and diverse curriculum that represents the core of Maryville’s commitment to the integration of liberal arts and professional education.

Our pledge to all Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPstudents is to provide a meaningful liberal arts experience that embraces the excitement and complexities of the future informed by the rich mix of tradition, contemporary technology and global culture.

Within the College there are many undergraduate and graduate programs housed in four main areas of study: Art & Design, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics. You will find majors as diverse as biochemistry and interactive design, and international studies and forensic psychology. Most incorporate individual research and creative scholarship as part of the curriculum.

We’re eager to partner with students in their learning as they pursue their academic passion and prepare for relevant careers or advanced study. And however diverse their disciplinary expertise, each member of the faculty and staff is committed to creating experiences designed to foster critical thinking and creativity, strong communication skills, social awareness and authentic learning.

Every space is a learning space at Maryville. Whether you are working in science labs, art and design studios, classrooms, online or in another country, the environment is supportive and promotes excellence, collaboration and success.

We’d be happy for you to join us.