Dolby Receives Leadership Award

Jami Dolby, development director at ˿ƵAPP, has been named a 2019 Young Leader by the St. Louis American Foundation.

Jami Dolby, development director at ˿ƵAPP, has been named a 2019 Young Leader by the St. Louis American Foundation. The award honors African American professionals who are compassionate and generous in their commitment to St. Louis and who are already making a positive impact in the community.

“I live by the quote that ‘the service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth,’” she said. “St. Louis is a great place for young professionals to get involved and give back. The city is full of gems, and you find those gems through your volunteer work.”

Dolby has volunteered with the Urban League Young Professionals of Metropolitan
St. Louis, Saint Louis Empowerment Zone, Community Women Against Hardship and Girls Scouts of Eastern Missouri. She recently served as the celebrity emcee for the Walk to End Lupus Now St. Louis sponsored by the Lupus Foundation of America, Heartland Chapter.

In her work at ˿ƵAPP, Dolby helps raise funds for Multicultural Scholarships which provide tuition assistance for students from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, these students collaborate with peers and staff to create a more inclusive campus environment.

˿ƵAPP is fully committed to making higher education accessible and affordable for all students, particularly first-generation college students, students of color and students from underrepresented groups. The Multicultural Scholars Program has grown by 54 percent over the past year alone.

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