With unprecedented enrollment growth projected for the 2018-2019 academic year, ˿ƵAPP continues to lead the nation in enrollment expansion and strategic planning success. Overall, Maryville’s student population is expected to reach 9,300, an increase of over 19 percent from the start of classes last year.
This fall marks 14 years of consecutive enrollment growth for the University.
“˿ƵAPPleads the revolution in higher education, and students across the country are taking notice,” says President Mark Lombardi, PhD. “Students and their families recognize that our revolutionary approach to personalized learning, our life coaching model, our cutting-edge connectivity, our faculty expertise and our commitment to sophisticated student services all prepare our students for career success in the workforce of the future.”
More than 950 new students, including 702 freshmen students and 249 transfer students, enrolled in on-campus classes this fall—representing a 13 percent increase over last year.
In January, ˿ƵAPP launched a successful national campaign to announce expanded for undergraduate and graduate students. Overall, online enrollment will account for over 5,000 students and growing this academic year.
“Our growing online learning environment attracts students regionally and across the country because we’ve invested in the right technology, a state-of-the-art video studio and a team of in-house, expert learning designers and course developers who create engaging courses,” said Dan Viele, dean of the School of Adult and Online Education. “˿ƵAPPis one of few universities focused on innovating the digital learning experience.”
Maryville’s new and expanded residence hall facilities will house some 1,000 students this fall, and additional academic and athletic facilities are planned for 2019-2022 to accommodate projected growth through 2025.