Maryville’s All-Star Students

Maryville’s All-Star Students

At Maryville, all students are All-Stars. As part of our advertising campaigns, we’re featuring some of our All-Star students, each of whom brings a unique brand of talent and excellence to the ˿ƵAPPteam.

Sam Slaughter
Major: Nursing
Graduation Year: 2021

˿ƵAPPAll-Star student Sam Slaughter

As a Multicultural Scholarship recipient, Sam Slaughter is a student ambassador committed to creating a diverse and inclusive campus environment. He’s doing his part as the vice president of ˿ƵAPPHillel. “It has given me a lot more opportunities to explore Judaism,” says Slaughter, who grew up in an area where the nearest temple was 45 minutes away. “I didn’t have a lot of experience with Judaism there, but here I do…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis Jewish Light


Randi Velick
Major: Nursing
Graduation Year: 2020
GPA: 4.0

˿ƵAPPAll-Star student Randi Velick

Even though Randi Velick is 845 miles away from her hometown, she has found a home away from home through ˿ƵAPPHillel. ˿ƵAPPHillel is a student organization that provides opportunities for college communities to engage with and experience Jewish culture as a medium to lead, learn and grow…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis Jewish Light


Katie Geerling
Major: Science
Graduation Year: 2019

Katie Geerling

Before launching an All-Star career as an aerospace engineer, Katie Geerling is continuing to make a significant impact during her time at ˿ƵAPP. Geerling, who will graduate in 2019, is a peer tutor, a member of the Body Pride Team and an Apple Corps student while carrying a 3.8 GPA…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the January edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Destinie Jones
Major: Biology
Graduation Year: 2021

Destinie Jones

In just her first year at Maryville, Destinie Jones has thrived as one of the university’s All-Star students. Jones is a member of several student organizations including the Association of Black Collegians, Partners for Animal Welfare (PAW), Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and participates in the multicultural scholarship program…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis American and Delux Magazine


Kalix Jacobson
Major: Business Administration
Graduation Year: 2017

Kalix Jacobson

˿ƵAPP offers students over 100 student organizations representing general and academic interests, spiritual beliefs, cultural groups and more to keep students active and involved. Kalix Jacobson, a member of ˿ƵAPPHillel, believes most students would benefit from joining an organization…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis Jewish Light


Jordan Davis
Major: Cyber Security
Graduation Year: 2020

Jordan Davis

Jordan Davis credits his inclusion in the university’s Multicultural Scholars program for his growth in becoming an All-Star student at Maryville. The course is a two-tiered program that provides students interested in helping to create an inclusive campus environment with a half-tuition (Multicultural Scholars) or a partial tuition (Multicultural Dean’s Award) scholarship…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis American and Delux Magazine


Josh Milenbach
Major: Rawlings Sport Business Management and Financial Services
Graduation Year: 2020

Joshua Milenbach’s search for the perfect university that offered a well-connected sport business management program and an opportunity to continue his faith led the California resident to the Midwest. “It came down to University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, or ˿ƵAPP,” says Milenbach. “Of course, I decided to come to Maryville…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis Jewish Light


Caitlyn Lee
Major: Music Therapy
Graduation Year: 2019

˿ƵAPP is the right college for Caitlyn Lee. It offers her the major she wants and presents her opportunities to reach her potential through leadership roles available on campus. Lee, who is majoring in Music Therapy, has been taking an active role as a student at ˿ƵAPPby being a member of the pep band, the Association of Black Collegians (ABC) organization and the Music Therapy Student Association….Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis American


Trenton Schumer
Major: Rawlings Sport Business Management
Graduation Year: 2019

Trenton Schumer, a recipient of two scholarships from ˿ƵAPP, has been busy since he set foot on campus. The third-year student has held a leadership role for the Rawlings Sport Business Management council, been an orientation leader for Saints Nation and volunteered as a peer mentor to assist freshmen while carrying a 3.5 GPA….Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the September edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Austin Davis
Major: Communications
Graduation Year: 2019

Since his freshman year at ˿ƵAPP, Austin Davis has been a leader. This year, his leadership role will become official since he was named the president of the Association of Black Collegians. This student group organization provides support, leadership and involvement opportunities to African-American students on campus. ….Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the St. Louis American


Ethan Michalicek
Major: Interactive Design
Graduation Year: 2019
GPA: 3.98

Ethan Michalicek’s past experience with time management has come in handy during his spell at ˿ƵAPP. That particular skill has helped him juggle school work, internships and a campus job as a writing tutor while carrying a nearly-perfect 3.98 GPA….Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the August edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Brittany Pomilee
Major: Pre-Med
Graduation Year: 2019
GPA: 3.0

Third-year student Brittany Pomillee’s ability to juggle her pre-med studies and leadership roles in four student organizations has earned her All-Star status at ˿ƵAPP.

This ad is featured in the July edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Tristan Snellgrove
Major: Pre-Med
Graduation Year: 2018
GPA: 3.33

After transferring to ˿ƵAPP, it didn’t take long for Tristan Snellgrove to make himself a valued member of campus. In less than a year, he was leading tours of ˿ƵAPPto potential incoming students and was one of two upperclassmen on the lacrosse team who was providing leadership to the young squad.
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This ad is featured at St. Louis Lambert International Airport


Darius Harris
Major: Business Management and Leadership
Graduation Year: 2020
Scholarship: Multicultural Scholarship

˿ƵAPP All-Star student Darius Harris knows a thing or two about leadership. He’s the president of ˿ƵAPP’s Boxing Club and is majoring in business management and leadership. He credits the strong leadership skills he has earned during his time at ˿ƵAPPas the reason why he was selected as a featured student in the university’s St. Louis American ad campaign.
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This ad is featured in the St. Louis American


Ellen Foster
Major: Rawlings Sport Business Management
Graduation Year: 2018
GPA: 3.267

All-Star Ellen Foster

Ellen Foster has been seeing double during her first three years at ˿ƵAPP. Two collegiate sports. Two internships. Two, top-two finishes in the conference high jump championships. Two leadership appointments. Foster is also a two-time All-Star at Maryville. As a student, she maintains a 3.267 GPA; as an athlete, she’s a member of both the women’s basketball and outdoor track and field teams.
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This ad is featured in the May edition of the St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Michael Braunfeld
Major: Rawlings Sport Business Management
Graduation Year: May 2017
GPA: 4.0

Michael Braunfeld ˿ƵAPPAll-Star Student

If an All-Star is a person who completes an extraordinary season, Michael Braunfeld is an All-Star four times over, one for every year of his ˿ƵAPPexperience. Braunfeld, a May 2017 graduate, is a two-time scholarship awardee. He is a member of the club baseball squad, and serves on the Rawlings Sport Business Management Leadership Council. During his college career, Braunfeld completed six internships and carried a 4.0 GPA.
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This ad is featured in the May edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine


Bryan Williams
Major: Rawlings Sport Business Management
Graduation Year: May 2017
GPA: 3.5

All-Star Bryan Williams

Volunteering time as the president of the Rawlings Sport Business Management Council at ˿ƵAPP, spending 20 hours a week as a marketing intern and continuing to carry a 3.5 GPA through his senior year should be enough for any student to be considered an All-Star. But Bryan Williams, who will graduate in May 2017 with a BS in Rawlings Sport Business Management, further enhanced his All-Star status when he joined the U.S. Army in January 2016…Continue Reading

This ad is featured in the April edition of St. Louis Cardinals Gameday magazine

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