Turan Mullins, assistant dean for diversity and inclusion at ˿ƵAPP, has been named a 2018 Young Leader by the St. Louis American Foundation.
Read More˿ƵAPP students, faculty and alumni partnered with the Chinese Education and Cultural Center in St. Louis to assist in the acquisition and interior design of the building.
Read MoreSam Slaughter Major: Nursing Graduation Year: 2021 As a Multicultural Scholarship recipient, Sam Slaughter is a student ambassador committed to creating a diverse and inclusive campus environment. He’s doing his… Read More
Civil Rights icon Frankie Muse Freeman is remembered by ˿ƵAPP. She was the inaugural recipient of Maryville’s Sister Mary Byles Peace and Justice Prize in recognition of her extraordinary service and lifelong commitment to social justice.
Read MoreAssessing local and national trends in various industries and fields of study, experts from ˿ƵAPP share their observations of what we can expect in 2018—and beyond.
Read MoreKelly Slaughter, a 23-year veteran of Ameren Missouri’s Callaway Energy Center, is a member of the first MBA cohort offered through a unique partnership between his employer, ˿ƵAPP and Westminster College. He thanks his son, Samuel Slaughter, for his student status.
Read MoreColleen (“C.J.”) Donegan, junior, a member of the Saints women’s golf team, earns a marketing internship with the 2018 PGA Championship, to be held in St. Louis.
Read MoreFor people with dementia, a once-busy life can narrow to world of isolation as jobs, friends and hobbies fall away. But a ˿ƵAPPprogram encourages creativity and socialization to bring… Read More
Lutheran High School South students can study a new “foreign” language — medical terminology. These students dually enroll at their school and ˿ƵAPP, and take the same medical terminology course as ˿ƵAPPstudents.
Read More˿ƵAPP and Pearson have launched the first national TV and radio advertising campaign for ˿ƵAPPOnline. The nationwide campaign features ads designed to encourage working adults to start a college degree online for the first time or finish an uncompleted degree.
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