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Opening Minds Through Art at ˿ƵAPP

Occupational Therapy Program Serves People with Dementia

For people with dementia, a once-busy life can narrow to world of isolation as jobs, friends and hobbies fall away. But a ˿ƵAPPprogram encourages… Read More

˿ƵAPP Partners with Lutheran High School South students who are interested in health care professions.

High Schoolers Study Medical Terminology in Dual Program

Lutheran High School South students can study a new “foreign” language — medical terminology. These students dually enroll at their school and ˿ƵAPP, and take the same medical terminology course as ˿ƵAPPstudents.

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Maryville, Pearson Launch National Ad Campaign Highlighting Online Degree Attainment

˿ƵAPP and Pearson have launched the first national TV and radio advertising campaign for ˿ƵAPPOnline. The nationwide campaign features ads designed to encourage working adults to start a college degree online for the first time or finish an uncompleted degree.

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The Tremble Clefs are a choral group at ˿ƵAPP composed of people with Parkinson’s disease with the assistance of music therapists.

Choral Group Assists People with Parkinson’s

A ˿ƵAPP initiative, The Tremble Clefs, is a choral group composed of people with Parkinson’s disease. Members practice with the assistance of music therapists.

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Students Awarded Bascom Scholarships to Study at Oxford University

Three Students Awarded Bascom Scholarships to Study at Oxford

Three students in the Mother Marion Bascom Honors program will experience the spring semester abroad at Oxford University in Oxford, England.

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Pop-up poetry read by students.

Writing Students Give Campus Reading

Students enrolled in Dana Levin’s writing tutorial (English 406) course recently showcased their work in a pop-up reading entitled “Cabinet of Curiosities.”

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Sandra Harris, library director for ˿ƵAPP.

Meet Sandra Harris: University Library Director

After 30 years away, Sandra Harris returned to her hometown of St. Louis this fall to serve as library director for ˿ƵAPP. Most recently, she worked as executive director of the Desert Caballeros Western Museum.

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˿ƵAPP announces expansion of its online bachelor's degree programs.

˿ƵAPP Builds on its Spirit of Inclusivity by Expanding Online Degree Programs

˿ƵAPP announces the expansion of its online bachelor’s programs that begin in Fall 2018. Ten additional degrees will be offered nationwide.

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The Aphasia Communication Theater (ACT), an innovative production implemented last summer by graduate students in Maryville’s Speech-Language Pathology program

˿ƵAPPStages Program for People with Aphasia

The Aphasia Communication Theater (ACT), an innovative production implemented by graduate students in Maryville’s Speech-Language Pathology program, was designed to improve the speech, language and social rehabilitation of participants. 

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˿ƵAPPnursing professor and neurorehabilitation nurse Linda Schultz

‘Ask a Nurse’ Webcast Helps Inform Class Discussion

˿ƵAPPnursing professor Linda Schultz, PhD, CRRN, has never stopped learning from patients—including one who is better known as Superman.

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