˿ƵAPPCo-Sponsors Walk to Raise Eating Disorder Awareness

Cities around the country will host similar events in support of the National Eating Disorders Association.
UPDATE: Due to the extremely low temperatures expected on April 7, the NEDA walk has been rescheduled for Sat, April 21.

It is estimated that 30 million people develop an eating disorder at some point in their lives. To build greater awareness around this serious mental illness, ˿ƵAPP is co-sponsoring the NEDA Walk on Saturday, April 21, at Tilles Park, along with the Missouri Eating Disorders Association (MOEDA).

Registration for the NEDA Walk begins at 9 a.m.; the walk begins at 10 a.m. Tilles Park is located at 9551 Litzsinger Road in Ladue, Mo.

Members of Maryville’s Body Pride Team, a group of students working with the Office of Personal Counseling, are helping to coordinate the event and will serve as volunteers.

“We are thrilled to co-host the National Eating Disorders Association Walk along with MOEDA this year,” said Jennifer Henry, director of personal counseling and a recent recipient of a MOEDA Founder’s Award. “˿ƵAPP’s Body Pride Team has worked with the Missouri Eating Disorders Association for several years on various programming and outreach efforts and found it to be an outstanding partnership.”

“MOEDA is very honored to be co-sponsoring this year’s walk with ˿ƵAPP, the first university in the St. Louis region to make eating disorder awareness and education a priority.”

“MOEDA is very honored to be co-sponsoring this year’s walk with ˿ƵAPP, the first university in the St. Louis region to make eating disorder awareness and education a priority,” says Lisa Iken-Sokolik, executive director of the Missouri Eating Disorders Association. “MOEDA has sponsored the St. Louis NEDA walk for over ten years. We are so proud that this community event has been an effective platform in spreading awareness about eating disorders.”

For more information, visit .

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