˿ƵAPP Announces a Reduction in Tuition for 2020

Today we are proud to announce the next phase of our plan to expand affordability and access to a world-class education: a tuition reduction of 5% for our traditional undergraduate on-campus student population beginning this school year, Fall 2020.

This tuition reduction is the next step in our phased approach to bend the cost curve back for families, which began with keeping undergraduate on-campus tuition flat for the past four years. After 15 years of double-digit enrollment growth and a robust financial profile, we are committed to lowering the cost of undergraduate tuition for students and families throughout this decade, and this is the next step.

“˿ƵAPP’s strategic plan has positioned the institution to expand access and opportunity to thousands of additional students,” said President Mark Lombardi, PhD. “Lowering the cost by 5% now will make our top-quality education more accessible and it demonstrates a new, revolutionary model of higher education. Tuition reduction allows students and families to plan out a more affordable path to their ˿ƵAPPeducation, which has some of the best outcomes in the nation, including a 97% career outcome rate and an 84% retention rate.”

This strategy, when combined with university financial aid, privately funded scholarships, and corporate and foundation support, makes a ˿ƵAPPeducation more accessible for years to come. Maryville’s tuition and fees cover all course materials, a new iPad with over 200 learning apps, and one of the most connected campuses in the United States, making ˿ƵAPPa national leader in providing access and opportunity for students of every background.

“Most private universities use enrollment growth as a basis for increasing tuition and making it more difficult for students to get in,” Lombardi said. “That approach is exclusionary. In contrast, ˿ƵAPPis leveraging its enrollment growth and technological investments to pass along savings to the student.”

Thanks to , the , and for the positive coverage of this story.

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