Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s annual Writes of Spring series is designed to establish opportunities for students and the community to hear poets and prose writers in an intimate setting. The program is sponsored by the Medart Lectures.
The 2018 season kicks off with author LaTanya McQueen, PhD.
“LaTanya McQueen is a fresh new voice in memoir and fiction whose forthcoming debut, And It Begins Like This, should be on every reader’s 2018 ‘must’ list,” says Jess Bowers, PhD, assistant professor of English and director of the author series. “Her essays deal frankly and viscerally with blackness and womanhood, combining incisive historical detail with powerful lived experience.”
Poets Natalie Scenters-Zapico and Mark McKee are also featured in the Writes of Spring series.
Writes of Spring – 2018 Schedule
All readings are free and open to the public.
LaTanya McQueen
3 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 15
Morton J. May Foundation Gallery
LaTanya McQueen is the Robert P. Dana Emerging Writer Fellow at Cornell College. Her fiction and nonfiction have been published in The Florida Review, West Branch, Bennington Review, Passages North, New Orleans Review, Ninth Letter and other journals. Her essay collection, And It Begins Like This, is forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press. She received an MFA from Emerson College and a PhD from the University of Missouri.
Natalie Scenters-Zapico
3 p.m.
Thursday, March 22
Morton J. May Foundation GalleryÂ
Natalie Scenters-Zapico is the author of Lima :: Limón (Copper Canyon Press) and The Verging Cities (Center for Literary Publishing, 2015). She is the recipient of the PEN American/Joyce Osterweil Award for Poetry, the Great Lakes Colleges Association Prize, the Utah Book Award and the National Association of Chicano/a Studies Book Award.
Marc McKee
3 p.m.
Thursday, April 26
Morton J. May Foundation GalleryÂ
Marc McKee is the author of five collections of poetry: What Apocalypse? (New Michigan Press, 2008); Fuse (Black Lawrence Press, 2011); Bewilderness (Black Lawrence Press, 2014); Consolationeer (Black Lawrence Press, 2017); and Meta Meta Make-Belief, forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press in early 2019. Recent poems appear in Rockhurst Review, The Laurel Review, Copper Nickel, Inter|rupture, Memorious, Southern Indiana Review, and are forthcoming from Matter and Los Angeles Review. He teaches at the University of Missouri in Columbia, where he lives with his wife, Camellia Cosgray, and their son, Harold.