School of Education Dissertation Defense Goes Viral

Candace Hall, who is earning her doctorate in higher education at Maryville, was surprised by her three children with a celebratory dance. The video has gone viral and has been featured by , and .

Last week, after Hall spent 30 minutes defending her dissertation, she walked out of the room to find her three kids, ages 7, 6 and 4, lined up and ready to dance. Hall’s children performed a choreographed dance to the song “We Did It” by 1K Phew.

The surprise was organized by Hall’s best friend. She helped the children make signs and learn the dance.

What does it feel like to celebrate your academic achievements with thousands of people via social media?

“The feeling is overwhelming!” Hall said. “I’ve worked so hard for so long. I’ve had a ton of roadblocks but I am nothing if not determined. For my family, especially my kids, to see me start and finish this journey is such a blessing. I hope they remember this moment as a testament that they truly can do anything if they apply themselves.”

Thank you to , and for sharing this good news!

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