All-Star: Caitlyn Lee

Caitlyn Lee
Major: Music Therapy
Graduation Year: 2019
GPA: 3.78

˿ƵAPP is the perfect college for Caitlyn Lee. It offers her the major she wants and presents her opportunities to reach her potential through leadership roles available on campus.

Lee, who is majoring in Music Therapy, has been taking an active role as a student at ˿ƵAPPby being a member of the pep band, the Association of Black Collegians (ABC) organization and the Music Therapy Student Association. Lee also works at the Center for Student Engagement as a student manager.

“I am convinced I wouldn’t have the same opportunities I have currently if I went to a different school,” says Lee. “This is my second home. I am so happy that every group I have come in contact with, I can fit in and be my true self. This school is amazing, and it only goes up from here.”

As a member of the ABC organization she helps plan and execute events.

“Even though I am not a part of the executive board, I still see myself taking a leadership position because I have been committed to this organization since my first year at Maryville,” says Lee, a junior. “I think I can be a positive role for other students who don’t necessarily want or are ready for the responsibility of a position on the executive board, like myself, but still want to feel like they are reaching their fullest potential by contributing to the community.”

Lee is a Multicultural Scholars program recruit. This program offers interested students an opportunity to create an inclusive campus environment with half or partial tuition.

“My favorite part of being a Multicultural Scholar is the fact I am not only exposed to learning about different cultures of people I encounter every day, but learning about myself and my race,” says Lee. “It puts me in tune with myself so I can not only be able to be educated about my race, but also have the information to be supportive of others.”

She has been managing her student life responsibilities and working as one of the Fun Coordinators at Creve Coeur Assisted Living and Memory Care while carrying a 3.78 GPA.

“The most important secret to juggling my work load has to be passion,” says Lee. “I wake up every day excited to be in the shoes I’m in and I know if I didn’t feel that way my experience would not be the same. There’s always going to be some bumps in the road, to say the least, but it’s never anything I can’t manage. ˿ƵAPPcreates this stress free environment where if I am going through a hard time I have so many people I can turn to who will support me. I can say I have utilized every service ˿ƵAPPprovides, counseling, tutoring, office hours with my professors, or even just a conversation with a faculty member. All of these services are offered to students and I would not have had the same outcome if those resources were not available to me.”

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