All-Star: Jordan Davis

Jordan Davis
Major: Cyber Security
Graduation Year: 2020

Jordan DavisJordan Davis credits his inclusion in the university’s Multicultural Scholars program for his growth in becoming an All-Star student at Maryville.

The course is a two-tiered program that provides students interested in helping to create an inclusive campus environment with a half-tuition (Multicultural Scholars) or a partial tuition (Multicultural Dean’s Award) scholarship. Students must meet admission requirements and complete an essay as part of the admission application to be considered for the program.

“The Multicultural program has given me the opportunity to explore diversity in a way that is fun and educational,” says Davis. “I have met individuals whom I may not have, if it were not for the Multicultural Program. I have grown exponentially as an individual, leader and professional through the Multicultural program. It is important for ˿ƵAPPto offer this kind of kind of program because it promotes cultural diffusion amongst students who will soon be dealing with the issues and opportunities increased diversity in the world will bring.”

Davis, a St. Louis native, selected ˿ƵAPPbecause of its commitment to technology and hands-on approach to education. But he’s also been inspired by the family environment at Maryville.

“One of Maryville’s greatest strengths is the family environment between faculty and students,” says Davis.

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