social media.H

Snapchat, Anyone?

Turning Up the Volume on Social Media

Help tell the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPstory by following us on your favorite social media channels and contributing your own stories

by Chris Reimer

Reading time: 2 minutes

tweet.social mediaË¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP has been educating students for over 143 years, and tens of thousands of meaningful stories have unfolded along the way. Together, they are a genuine reflection of who we are as a University and what Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPmeans to the lives of the people who pass through our halls. In the past, that storytelling was limited to traditional media. But there are new and exciting ways to get the word out about Maryville, and we’d love for you to be involved in those efforts. Are you engaged on social media? If so, please help us share our many wonderful stories.

Facebook1.social mediaSocial media is an amplifier of who we are. We have much to be proud of and if we express that online, our pride will show and we’ll genuinely connect with people.

Last spring, I was hired as Maryville’s first associate director of new media to manage digital marketing, including video, web, and our social media channels. Since then, we’ve increased the volume of posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We recently threw our hat in the Snapchat ring to the tune of four new accounts. Our goal is to share information that educates, inspires, unites and entertains.

Social media usage sometimes follows certain demographic lines. Facebook now leans older rather than younger. Snapchat is dominated by 13-24 year olds. Instagram is probably older than Snapchat but younger than Facebook. Twitter is all over the board. Our task is to communicate with our key constituencies on their terms. That means Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPis using every popular social media platform. A recent study found that 11 percent of college students post to Facebook on a daily basis, while 70 percent post to Snapchat. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP is going to use Snapchat! And as the world of social media changes, we’ll change with it.

Our goal is to educate, inspire, unite and entertain.

We’re looking to connect with prospective students, parents, current students, alumni of all ages, community and business partners, and more. Social media is comprised of micro-stories, so if you see me around campus, I’m likely trying to capture and tell those micro-stories. If you have a story to tell, feel free to flag me down!

Look for Maryville’s social media channels, and don’t be shy about following, liking, commenting and sharing. See you online!


Snapchat: , or follow us at username GetInvolvedMU




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