Promise Community Homes
Description: The volunteer team will help the organization with removing leaves, weeds, and invasive honeysuckle from around home and yards; clearing flower beds of dead bushes and weeds; trimming back bushes and trees, especially those in front of windows; refreshing mulch and adding new mulch where necessary; and some planting if the timing works.
Address: 1240 Dautel Ln., Saint Louis, MO, 63146
Transportation Info: Volunteers will be responsible for transport to site, carpooling is recommended.
Special Directions: Please carpool as much as possible and park to the north side of the building at 1240 Dautel Lane. Please enter the front main doors, walk down the hallway, and down the stairs to enter the gym.
Special Instructions: Everyone who volunteers will need to complete and send back a completed Volunteer Application and Waiver Form no later than Tuesday, September 10, one week prior to the MRO project day. The form will be sent out at a later date.
What to Bring/Wear - we recommend volunteers bring water and wear long sleeves, pants, baseball hats, and gardening gloves (or something similar) to help protect against weeds and plants.
Start Time: 9:00am
End Time: 1:00pm
Team Leader:
Participant Amount: 1/20
- Serenity Gronemeyer