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MRO – Projects

How to Apply

Registration will open at 7:00 PM on Monday, August 26th

Step 1: Review the projects available below.
Step 2: Choose a project or two you would be interested in volunteering for. It is always good to have a backup in case your project fills up.
Step 3: Click on the project you would like to register for. You will find the application at the bottom of the project’s page.
Step 4: Once you complete the application, you will receive a confirmation email. Read over the email and note and important information.
Step 5: Fill out the required 2024 Travel Waiver & Hold Harmless Agreement at . This is REQUIRED for all participants.

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AgencyProject DescriptionTime FrameTeam LeaderVolunteer Limit
Sept. 8 – National MS SocietyHelp us to cheer on the cyclists at the Finish Line at Bike MS: Gateway Getaway Ride on Sunday, September 8. We need volunteers to help on our Spirit Team to cheer the riders and hand out medals. Volunteers will also help with Volunteer Check In, Green Team (event site cleanup,) and Bike Compound (checking in and out bikes.)9:30am-5:00pmEvelyn Barton6/20
September 20th – Family ForwardVolunteers will help clean and disinfect the Early Childhood Center and outdoor playground. Volunteers will help to clean toys, furniture, and learning materials in our classroom to make sure that all of our students and teachers are coming to school in a healthy environment. 9:00am-12:00pm1/20
Shaw Nature ReserveVolunteers will get a tour of the horticulture workspace, learn a bit about how we grow native plants, and have a chance to plant, weed, and mulch in our SNR Trial Gardens.9:30am-1:30pmKelly Hand10/10
Shaw Nature ReserveVolunteers will help collect seeds throughout the reserve. Learn about the ecological restoration efforts happening at Shaw Nature Reserve while getting hands on experience! We hope you will join us!9:30am-12:30pmBren Karki10/10
Society of St. Vincent de PaulVolunteers will help with cleaning and organizing all the rooms in the Hope Center.9:30am-3:30pmJIll Heitzman10/10
Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly HouseWe will be planting annuals this time of year and could use some extra help! If there is time, we will also plant some natives in the Pollinator Garden. Volunteers will be able to work alongside the horticulture team and learn more about the gardens at the Butterfly House. Get ready roll up your sleeves and get your hands in the dirt!9:30am-12:00pmKellie Sandman10/10
St. Josephine Bakhita Catholic ChurchVolunteers will be weeding, sweeping, planting and trimming in the existing garden. General cleanup of the block and alley adjacent to the church.10:00am-1:30pm0/10
St. Louis ArcVolunteers will assist with the day's activities and help staff facilitate. Volunteers are not responsible for any direct care supports of individuals. Staff will be present at all times.9:30am-3:00pmBetsy Hawkins-Chernof4/4
St. Louis Area Diaper BankVolunteers will unbox diapers or period supplies, pack items together with love notes, and wrap/seal or assemble together to ensure cleanliness during transportation.1:00pm-3:00pmJaime Peters10/10
St. Louis Crisis NurseryVolunteers will be sorting and packing supplies, making our kids’ rooms beautiful, organizing donations, sorting our storage area, cleaning up outside of the building making it welcoming to our families, deep cleaning, etc. 9:30am-11:30amAdees Bhatia12/12