Pregnant and Parenting Student Guide

Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP is committed to ensuring pregnant and parenting students’ access to educational programs, reasonable accommodations, and student support. The University strives to create a welcoming, accessible and inclusive environment for all pregnant and parenting students.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides for equal educational opportunities for pregnant and parenting students. It prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against students based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. Title IX also prohibits schools from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex. Students may request reasonable accommodations as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.

The Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) facilitates the provision of pregnant and parenting student accommodations at Maryville. Additionally, claims of discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex and gender, which includes pregnancy, are also reviewed by OIEC utilizing the procedures laid out in the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy and Policy Against Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation and Complaint Resolution Procedures.

Information For Students

  • How do I request support or accommodations?

    Student accommodation requests should be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). Personnel from OIEC will reach out to the student to discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs and may ask for documentation that supports the requested accommodations.

    Students may submit a request to OIEC at or call 314-529-6721 for further information.

  • What types of accommodations may I request?

    Although accommodations vary from student to student, the following are some examples of accommodations that may be requested by a pregnant and parenting student:

    • Assistance with Parking
    • Modified classroom furniture
    • Changes to campus work schedule
    • Lab support if working with chemicals
    • Excused absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
    • Excused absences for parenting students who need to attend medical appointments for children or take care of their sick children
    • Rescheduling of test or exams
    • Submitting work after a missed deadline due to pregnancy or childbirth
    • Provision of alternatives to make up missed assignments

    There are some instances where students may work directly with their instructors to implement minor modifications or requests. These may include frequent or scheduled breaks during classes, frequent snacking during class hours, and a one-time absence or assignment extension. If you experience resistance or a refusal to permit these minor modifications, please reach out to OIEC at or call 314-529-6721.

  • Am I required to tell anyone about my pregnancy or parenting status?

    No, students are not required to disclose such information. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP wishes to create an environment where students feel comfortable sharing such information on a voluntary basis so that the University can provide the necessary support for the mental and physical health of the student. Students are not expected or required to inform faculty, staff, or any member of the administration of their pregnancy or parenting status, unless they are actively seeking some type of accommodation or support. Once this information is disclosed by a student to a faculty or staff member, additional contact information for OIEC should be shared with the student.

  • May I still attend classes and participate in school clubs, class activities, sports, and other school sponsored organizations?

    Yes. Title IX prohibits a school from excluding a pregnant student from any part of its educational program, including all extracurricular activities, such as school clubs, academic societies, honors programs, or sports. A pregnant student must also be eligible to hold leadership positions in these activities.

  • Am I allowed excused absences due to pregnancy or childbirth?

    Yes. Title IX requires a school to excuse a student’s absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary.

    When the student returns to school, the student must be reinstated to the status they held when the leave began, which should include giving the student the opportunity to make up any work missed and discussing possible alternatives. Please note that if the school requires students with other medical conditions to submit a doctor’s note, it may require the same from a pregnant student.

  • What should I do if I am discriminated against because of my pregnancy and parenting status?

    If you believe you’ve experienced discrimination related to your sex or gender, including because you are pregnant, and you wish to make a complaint, please contact the OIEC.

    You may contact OIEC at, call 314.529.6721, or file a formal compliant.

    The Title IX Coordinator will contact you to hear your concerns and determine whether an investigation is appropriate or whether the University has another process to address your concerns.

  • What resources are available for pregnant and parenting students

    Lactation Rooms at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP
    • 575 Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPCenter, Suite 100, Room 105 (located in employee area)
    • Gander Hall, Room 101D (located in employee area)

    Counseling Center
    • ALL STUDENTS (on-ground and online): Everyone has access to a licensed counselor anytime, 24/7, by calling the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP Counseling Center Support Line: 314.529.6630.
    • ON-GROUND STUDENTS: On-ground students have access to ongoing in-person counseling and may call 314.529.9556 to schedule an appointment.
    • ONLINE STUDENTS: Online Students can contact the Counseling Center at 314.529.9556 and request a consultation session to obtain referrals for ongoing counseling support based on your specific needs (i.e. geographic location, insurance, specialty, etc.)

    Health and Wellness Center
    • White Modular Office Building, Parking Lot 17, Behind the Library building
    For general inquiries and to schedule appointments, please call 314.529.9520 or email

  • Leave of Absence Policy

    Students may also elect to complete a Leave of Absence Request Form for pregnant and parenting reasons. This form can be found on the “Forms” page when logged into . The completion of the Leave of Absence Request Form may result in a representative from OIEC contacting you.
    Questions about the Leave of Absence Request Form should be directed to the Solution Squad at or 314-529-9360.

Information for faculty, staff and student employee supervisors

  • What do I do if a student tells me they are pregnant?

    Should a student disclose to you that they are a pregnant and parenting student, ask them if they need any accommodations, and if they have already reached out to OIEC. If they have not, refer them to OIEC ( Sending this referral or following up via email is ideal and highly encouraged.

  • Are there instances where I can work directly with a pregnant and parenting student to provide support?

    Faculty and student supervisors have the authority to work directly with their pregnant and parenting students to implement minor modifications or requests. Some reasonable accommodations that faculty and supervisors may independently provide are:

    • Frequent or scheduled bathroom or lactation breaks during classes, examinations, or work
    • Frequent snacking during class hours
    • One-time assignment extension
    • Flexibility in work schedule

    At no point should you ask the student about their pregnancy, complications, or for supporting medical documentation.

    Requests that fall outside of the above examples such as repeated absence requests, extended leave of absence, structural changes to classrooms or furniture, parking accommodations, and changes to mode of content delivery should all be referred to OIEC.

  • What do I do if a student tells me they need to miss class due to pregnancy?

    These requests should be forwarded to OIEC for review for the purpose of documenting these medical needs. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPPexcuses all medically necessary absences for pregnancy, false pregnancy, childbirth, termination, or the recovery from any pregnancy related conditions. This does include pregnancy related doctor’s appointments. The outcome of the OIEC review will be subsequently shared with the appropriate faculty and supervisor.

  • Can I ask a student to prove that they are pregnant or provide medical documentation?

    Faculty and student supervisors cannot ask for medical documentation. Upon disclosure from a student that they are a pregnant or parenting student, an inquiry about whether or not they need an accommodation should be made, with an immediate email referral to OIEC for documentation and support.

    Please note that if the requested accommodation(s) matches those instances outlined in #3 above where faculty and supervisors are permitted to provide support then they may proceed to do so without waiting for a review from OIEC. However, the student should still be referred to OIEC via email.

  • Where should pregnancy and parenting related accommodations from faculty and staff be directed?

    All pregnancy and parenting related accommodations from faculty and staff should be directed to:
    Human Resources Office
    Gander Hall 137

  • Community Resources