ࡱ> ;=:#` 1bjbj 41\\\\p2$Ohb000 000: ,t 7\ 0"Rvtt(0& \\ Sleep Hygiene DO Go to bed at the same time each day. Get up from bed at the same time each day. Get regular exercise each day, preferably in the morning. There is good evidence that regular exercise improves restful sleep. This includes stretching and aerobic exercise. Keep the temperature in your bedroom comfortable. Keep the bedroom quiet when sleeping. Use your bed only for sleep. Take medications as directed. It is often helpful to take prescribed sleeping pills one hour before bedtime, so they are causing drowsiness when you lie down, or 10 hours before getting up, to avoid daytime drowsiness. Use a relaxation exercise just before going to sleep. Such as progressive muscle relaxation, imagery, massage, warm bath, etc. Keep your feet and hands warm. Wear warm socks and even mittens or gloves to bed. DONT Exercise right before going to bed. Engage in stimulating activity just before bed, such as playing a competitive game, watching an exciting program on TV or DVD, or having an important discussion. Have caffeine in the evening (coffee, many teas, chocolate, sodas, etc.) Read or watch TV in bed. Use alcohol to help you sleep. Go to bed too hungry or too full. Take another persons sleeping pills. Take over-the-counter sleeping pills, without your doctors knowledge. Tolerance can develop rapidly with these medications. Take daytime naps. Command yourself to go to sleep. This only makes your mind and body more alert. >>>>If you lie in bed awake for more than 20-30 minutes, get up, go to a different room or a different part of the bedroom, participate in a quiet activity (non-excitable reading or television) then return to bed when you feel sleepy. Do this as many times during the night as needed. It will work better than lying awake in your bed.<<<< Virtual Hospital: Psychiatry Sleep Hygiene 2004 789bcd  B C D h i j a b 2 3 4 9 ; ^ _  I J Ĺ|nh56>*OJQJ^Jh6CJ OJQJ^JaJ #h56>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ !hh56>*OJQJ^Jh(6OJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^Jh56>*CJ OJQJ^J h5CJ hh5CJ OJQJ^J(jh(h(5CJ OJQJU^J&9d D j b 3 4 : ; _  J c H [ $ & Fa$gd $ & Fa$gd$a$gd$a$gd1J a b 01˾ h(h(CJOJQJ^JaJh(CJOJQJ^JaJh56OJQJ^JhPVhPV56OJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^Jh(6OJQJ^Jhh6OJQJ^J [ 1$a$gdPV $ & Fa$gd21h:p(/ =!"#$% #Dd1 A N  C *Aj035796723#5\vy]Eyl#D`!#5\vy]Eyl;|= "xڭ{WGmU_\;$ C!$HܝgwwwBwUe߾}6,}oSU00$Ƥ!F+*rS*Gx]k|׎+?pdcFȷfgEV"h5^~U^-[ﵴ䭷-%%=e2rEE٢|ɣc[ǽ%wkf62:t39}S\Da ZYnMq,r߸ Z%\76C'GғJe.)8\dRI2R~9g_J5*tyuoOmYQ? ,oFOatkB٤Uz7| An^uC\YWUs\|© lU@:} 殂wq; L|s5'()͸+y*#slSUSa]ezյր.j_R.*h %4QϣE>Nt.:Od9N |E;7~?Hiy(e瑐+ *s$/R$oF}8S.q2k m Ao #ZC!qF;P}(%q6Nd1v_v3;0$+:rXB L4`WH- H~<eG!Nvxϳ22+( i.2قdM`[.l 2I{*Uf䍞c_&o!t:0Ik00\BhG &@-B@6]LyOdO!v + 2ֲ+ m*k:P(,Tm+mζO[n9e.Y}}Bu?Ggt?HS}ՓX&iFYn-  Xnn%tkQ:tg^Y?ɂ w~~ ~'V~?ё%Yz]/ k^I+hMkٮ)88yS3I-䶔RH]L+pv GV-lM( @?W많=RZcIY.`jJRD}*lE60 3K,8rvʩoINGM.޽eESz1U{,2/|⥒,ܒ"XϏ-ȣO$7$¹Ģ_=-K"1%D\$ȷ޽/u8ԢӅX<ܿ#c<ΟI$0i+''+{ԿsNUv&\iI-o&Ino$S]N654w奬+&]mN+.hB 4J`<5'g\ sE#Ҕ^ jYe@ $rU #j|[TAϠ_ &Ǥ,z2TJ i&UMKJ+e$ jiyS{S/F}t"E4H0=E#6Vj*@e ya:kKfqzW 5eT&PmC_Q3EU!ԁYhh͠նf~mWvk5֟+t`a'Ʈ%w-#JVݍnq[;i- uiCQ)v GוZKU&tw$ǃqVǹGpA QaG/P e9PGԖ~NҎ,|kި$@ݨ=kOUF/xMFl ,G[jaU7~d`%7®p[{],g)&Y1* ;hek[KZ'ܕ[Su7ʺT-n;%usW>ߣv՞Ͼ'Μ\<USZI,: j+rG. }Ng+N[ P˝Nv-&n}ZM7ʻVYddn:صҺXN3{D )8mns{,oy`"n}vX5j%V́S߅ZfLB7kER] N3PuI_*棽 )_Ey}caF'с"CW*l%o%xM6`j݀xnxWsJ+»,?|ܾcE7D ICFx`~m۶߬⳶-_?֤`&)h1U9ͧbl~N\ `s›v3<'ԗ` #LGܜًAzEf=QtO@/RaoVQ! _,SJE^b~o ȗ3. txWsXn&qs7i\n&WJŀ|ȅq6ӻܭn=pv~ >ہx/ܗ7r'^my5ubWx_wsރ|QDpĢC|a;ioYzh 0=i܌r}pkpUJp]QznE <|S#ZJhݧ~80~ oS #q8 1 orEZa4D`0RD3&i.sz^{9g/R]NHp=+-FdYfedBpG8B\uma;vQ(K,]=1UFJ8 v+ ϥN<(j~45%H% !K΍k(6!'( |wo]'>ǔ TPy>F }-^Xe8SwSW'EGx$rntK62$eq)+D).3PL!%=(w.YRݙqc]ѭo*0xSG56mAWc w9Rx-GK@{@qU^p1E g&|2FlkqaŸ3)(R_+!^%Ȕ 9=2p:= __pܠp>8~ {:&<2U w');M YJdsvwr#n T2n7}; uA;:mxww: q1"s3TݯX/kߥ|!S=Cuj ^QUSEGc8;q>q04侲!pij0#nx]1׹<<[^iW⌮&qUcWsci%q9=51 ހ|P]nh{߇A;o<l5+}14 ʬԆ?7D,I z\rQdG#erZs:q ''CHJNo2mAXOi%4xdShFoIhaGa<9D̟#_L~ Zhwa|7\t4Rٯ.X;Mmn骅}Ao3'ZQ jFq ŧ5Z**OPeLR3K-ݱX!42\IAYnE(Dhh~Y?&hYqULcR)MJe4 UTEQ-Cisjݨ^BA:&ZKiC.z(]v TWp~VGJR+A8%ecE_\mB;< j8MWxxykF^:ϛ(oYk m +Ձ#ЎKU:CfǶ+ƎqSȭ*r' zl8m}Oop 5֒Y#/-], 6> Ib{hml!-& PF)UO-`? 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