Financial Resources

Financial Resources
Financial Resources
Financial Aid
A ˿ƵAPP education is an excellent value. With our emphasis on liberal arts study and professional preparation, we offer small classes, excellent academic programs, outstanding faculty, and close proximity to internship and employment opportunities in St. Louis. There are many financial aid opportunities to help offset the cost of a private university education. Our goal is to provide affordable and accessible education for deserving students who otherwise might never fulfill their enormous potential. At ˿ƵAPP, financial aid is available in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. Both merit-based and need-based assistance is available.
Explore Financial Aid Opportunities
Financing Your Education
- Maryville’s Strong Financial Aid And Merit Scholarship Programs Along With State, Federal And Private Programs Make The Overall Cost To Attend Comparable To A Public Institution.
- All Accepted, Full Time Students Pursuing A First Undergraduate Degree Are Automatically Considered For Merit Awards.
- The University Scholars Program Awards Range From The Cost Of Tuition Up To Coverage Of Tuition, Room And Board.
- $65 million in financial aid was distributed to full time traditional, undergraduates last year.
- 98% of our full-time, traditional undergraduate students receive aid.
- Scholarships
˿ƵAPPis committed to making a top-ranked, private education affordable and accessible. Last year, over $65 million in scholarships and financial aid was awarded to 98 percent of our full-time students. Both merit-based and need-based assistance is available.
- Financial Aid FAQs
Have a question about Financial Aid? Check out our FAQ section to find answers.
- How do I accept my financial aid award?
• Go to
• Log in with your username and password.
• Click Financial Aid.
• Use the dropdown menu to select the financial aid year
• Click Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package - Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy
- Refunds
In the event that a credit (balance due student) is generated on a student’s account, a refund be issued to the student and mailed to the permanent address on file. If the student has created a Refund Profile in their online student account suite, the refund will be sent electronically to the account specified by the student. This process takes approximately seven to ten working days from disbursement.
Any changes added to the account after the refund is requested are the responsibility of the student and should be paid upon billing unless otherwise specified (e.g. bookstore charges, student fees, added classes, etc.)
Students who want credits to be maintained on their student account must request in writing that a refund not be issued. Credits not absorbed by subsequent charges will be refunded to students within 30 days of the end of the enrollment period (i.e. the academic year).
- Types of Aid
- Recognition
˿ƵAPPhas been named by the U.S. News & World Report as the No. 1 Over-performing University in the nation for the second year in a row, as well as the recognition as a “Best College for Veterans.” ˿ƵAPPhas also been recognized by G.I. Jobs as a “Military Friendly” school for the 5th consecutive year.
- Credit for Military Training
˿ƵAPPpartners with American Council on Education (ACE) to evaluate courses received throughout your military career and transfer them into college credit!
- Military Membership
˿ƵAPP is a member of GoArmyEd, and Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC).
- Military Spouse Scholarship
My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) is a program sponsored by the Department of Defense to provide financial assistance to military spouses. Eligible individuals include spouses of active-duty servicemembers, activated Reservists and activated Guardsmen; spouses of the severely injured, ill, wounded or killed in action (KIA); and spouses of prisoners of war (POW) or servicemembers missing in action (MIA). For complete details, please visit or call a program representative at 800-983-6484.
- Educational Benefits
Students may utilize Tuition Assistance (TA) and Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, to include the Post 9-11 G.I. Bill.
- Support Group
˿ƵAPP offers student-focused assistance in the areas of: financial aid, VA benefits, academic support, disability services, and employment assistance. ˿ƵAPPalso has a Veterans Student Organization (VSO), which is composed and operated by Veteran students of ˿ƵAPP, and tasked with providing feedback to program instructors regarding recommendations to enhance the curricula and training for future Veteran professionals.
Financial Aid Programs
˿ƵAPPoffers its students different financial aid opportunities including: federal, state, institutional and parental aid.
VA Benefits
At ˿ƵAPP, we pride ourselves on working with students on an individual basis. That includes students like you who are busy military personnel, military spouses, dependents and veterans, with family commitments or personal goals that don’t allow time to take classes during the traditional school day.
Veterans and their dependents who may be eligible for benefits including the Yellow Ribbon Program can receive information and applications through the V.A. representative located in the Visitor Center in Gander Hall. The V.A. representative routinely reports eligibility, and when a veteran has withdrawn from a class or from the University, to the Veterans Administration Regional Offices.
Vocational Rehabilitation
To apply for benefits, students with disabilities must contact the Vocational Rehabilitation Office, State of Missouri. Authorization to bill the Vocational Rehabilitation Office must be submitted to the Solution Squad by each semester’s payment deadline listed in class schedules.
Academic Standards for Financial Aid
There are academic standards for undergraduate and post baccalaureate financial aid applicants.